The labour market at a glance - current developments in brief - November 2024

Employees subject to social insurance (September 2024): 35.212.000
    green arrow (up) - positive trend
297.000 in comparison with previous month
    green arrow (up) - positive trend
123.000 in comparison with previous year
    green arrow (up) - positive trend
10.000 in comparison with previous month (seasonally adjusted)
Unemployed: 2.774.000 (unempl. rate: 5,9 %)
    green arrow (down) - positive trend
-17.000 in comparison with previous month
    red arrow (up) - negative trend
168.000 in comparison with previous year
    red arrow (up) - negative trend
7.000 in comparison with previous month (seasonally adjusted)
Underemployment (without short time work: 3.554.000 (underempl. rate: 7,5 %)
    green arrow (down) - positive trend
-4.000 in comparison with previous month
    red arrow (up) - negative trend
109.000 in comparison with previous year
    red arrow (up) - negative trend
2.000 in comparison with previous month (seasonally adjusted)

The labour market at a glance - key figures

Selected attributes November 24 October 24 September 24 changes in comparison to previous year (unempl. rate: previous year's value)
absolut in %
Underemployment (without short time work) 3.554.394 3.557.949 3.565.021 108.761 3,2
Underemployment rate (without short time work) 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,4 -
Unemployment (stock) 2.774.028 2.790.529 2.806.361 168.296 6,5
Unemployment rate 5,9 6,0 6,0 5,6 -
Employees subject to social insurance contributions - - 35.211.600 122.700 0,3
Minor employment - - 7.644.100 39.100 0,5
Notified vacancies (stock) 667.713 688.742 696.006 -65.260 -8,9

The labour market at a glance - time series

Development of employment, unemployment and underemployment (without short time work)

Seasonally adjusted values
Original values